Sunday, November 18, 2007


I've told several people that the only thing I really wanted while in Washington was for it to snow, and I'm getting my wish as I type this. The Boyfriend and I just got back from visiting with my Older Brother and family. We were checking out their new house (it's so cute and has so much room!) when we walked outside the cars were already covered in snow. Oh man, I miss snow the most.

Other than that, it's been a pretty slow day. We drove from Spokane to Yakima Valley today after going for our first run of the vacation. We drove to part of the Centennial Trail and went for a run - after which The Boyfriend and I clocked how far we ran with the car. I ran just over 2 miles and The Boyfriend ran 4. It's nice to know that even when running in a straight line on a trail I still get my full run in and pace myself the same as when I run at the park.

It was SO COLD while running this morning - 37 degrees. Oh man, it took me over half the run to warm up, but it was so worth it. I can't believe how much better I feel after a run. Now we have to figure out where to run here since it's snowing and school is still in session, so I don't want to to go the high school and run at the track. My parents have a treadmill, so that's always an option, but it will be a last resort as I prefer running outside.

So, anyway, I guess golfing may be out of the question, but we are still going to try!

Now I'm off to find warmer clothes and a tv to watch The Simpsons.

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