Friday, November 23, 2007


Today was our last day in the Yakima Valley. We hung out with my family this morning - had lunch of leftovers from Thanksgiving and said our good-byes to everyone in my family. It was a nice visit - I learned a lot about my family on my Dad's side and got my Dad to talk some more about Vietnam which is always fascinating to me. I love hearing stories about my parents before they were married and started a family. I think it's because I will never really know what they were like back then.

The Boyfriend and I drove through the Tri-Cities and stopped by a couple of his old haunting grounds. Made it back to Spokane in time for dinner and have spent the evening chatting with The Boyfriends Mom and Sister.

I have lots of photos, as soon as we get back to LA I will have to go through them and upload some.

We haven't been able to run for a few days now - we are going to try and run tomorrow sometime, whenever it manages to get over 30 degrees. It took until after noon for that to happen today, so it might be a late afternoon run tomorrow.

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