Sunday, November 02, 2008

Day 2

I'm still so freaking tired. This daylight change is killing me. I want to go to bed and it's only 6:30 pm!! Getting up to run tomorrow had better be easy darnit.

So, filming went really well this weekend. Today was nice as we had a handful of short scenes to film, so everything was laid back. 

We finished filming our outdoor scene yesterday JUST as it started raining. Like, I felt a raindrop hit me literally 30 seconds before we finished the scene. As soon as Robb called "CUT" I let everyone know I had felt a raindrop and we started running inside. Literally, as the door closed, the skies opened up and it began POURING down rain. And we even had some Thunder! Rain happens so little around here, we had to pull everyone away from the window to finish filming. Man, you just don't have timing like that very often, so it was pretty amazing.

I'm off to find some dinner and watch some "Torchwood".

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