Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So, I have been busy at work. At when I am not busy, I am trying to get all the personal things done that I usually get done while not busy at work. Confused? Yeah, so am I.

My 3 day weekend went way too fast, and now I seem to be fighting off some sort of flu. Or I am just stressed. Either way, food doesn't taste all that great to me lately. This makes me sad. I love food.

Also, I wished I wouldn't have heard this story on the news, because now I feel like I should give in to my cravings for pizza and burgers. Did you know that your brain CRAVES greasy, bad-for-you food? Oh man, ever since I joined Weight Watchers, my brain has definitely been letting me know that it's not appreciating all of the vegetables.

So, there are plenty of new really-awful looking so I will probably be really into them shows starting this summer. Have you seen the ads for "Dancing with the Stars?" Or "Hit Me Baby One More Time?" I know I have talked about this before but I am so looking forward to them. Be and my not-quite working all that great thanks to all the vegetables brain are spending this summer on the couch!
Also, "House" has a summer season. Seriously, watch it. It's one of the best shows on TV.

I should also let you know that I got cast in 2 shows for this summer. I will be playing "The Widow" in "Shakespeare's Skum: The Shrew Variations", as well as several other parts. And I will be playing The Farmer's Wife to this guy's Farmer in "The Emporer's New Clothes". Oh yeah, he's also Petruchio in the Shakespeare play, but big deal*. All I can say is he darn well better learn his lines or I am running him through with a pitchfork! Ha!

*Okay I am just kidding. It is a big deal and I am really proud of him. There.

On a final note:
Did you hear that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are supposedly engaged? Man, if that doesn't prove that their one month old love isn't a set-up, I don't know what will.

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