Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Apparently I am a Real Runner Now

Yesterday was a good/bad running day.

The bad part -
I tripped over a root and fell down, completely scrapping my left knee. Yes, I fell again. No, I don't really enjoy it, especially when I have to finish my run with a very bloody knee.

The good part -
Before this happened, I was really finding my pace and working on extending my legs so that I have a longer reach with each step.
Also, when I fell I stopped by watch somehow, therefor I had no idea where I was timewise in my run. Apparently being very angry while running is good for pacing because I ran pretty much the fastest 2.5 miles I have ever done.

So, as The Boyfriend pointed out, I am running too fast for that section of my usual run, since it is littered with roots and goes downhill, so it's a bit tricky. I have never had a problem there, so I'm taking it as a good sign that I really am getting faster.

And, I didn't break my iPod!

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