Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So Long, Farewell

Today is Kathy's last day at the office where I also work. I like to believe I am not the reason she is leaving, but who the hell knows, I can be difficult.

Kathy and I met doing extra work on the film "First Daughter." It was my first and only experience doing extra work, but that story is for a later time. It was nice to have someone normal to talk to (normal people were few and far between), and she helped me get through two TERRIBLE nights. The best part was when we realized that Kathy worked at the same place I was going to be interviewing with. So, again, she gave me pointers and was very friendly when I came for my interview.

That was 3 years ago and since I met Kathy she has been my friend, my confidante, my co-star, my co-producer, my co-worker. What else can you say about someone who forwards you obnoxious voice-mails from family members to laugh at? Or buys your Boyfriend a Chafing dish because you tell her that he wants one for his birthday and you won't buy it for him? I mean honestly, who WANTS a chafing dish?

So, even though I am sad that I won't be able to walk 2 feet and talk to her whenever I want to, I will still see her often. Whether she likes it or not.

This is a picture of us on set of our short film "The Social Club". I'm putting this one up because I like this picture of myself. See, difficult.

Photo by Rachel.

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